Womb Blessing & Goddess Treatments

 Womb Blessings & Goddess Treatments

Womb Blessing

The imprints of past sexual experiences, sexual abuse, miscarriages, abortions, Caesarean's, unhealthy relationships, traumatic births and clinical procedures can all be held in the womb space. This can lead to unhealthy and unhelpful feelings surfacing especially around the time of Menes or menopause leading to pain and discomfort. Working with feminine energy I will assist you in releasing pain, guilt and traumas held in your womb space and celebrate the beauty of your divine feminine self.

I also offer the 13th Rite of the Womb as part of the Munay-Ki Shamanic Rites. This is a beautiful rite that was gifted to Marcela Lobos from a lineage of Medicine Women in the jungles of Peru. I

The Rite is connected to the divine feminine energy and to the 13 moons of the year which is connected to the 28 day cycle of women’s wombs. It is for womb healing but also for your connection to Mother Earth and the ancient ancestors.
The Rite of the Womb is gifted in beautiful ceremony which will include connecting with our ancient lineages and is offered to all women.
There is no requirement to have received the 9 Munay-ki Rites before receiving the Rite of the Womb.

I include a womb healing and energy cleanse as part of this process and Your investment for this treatment is £75.00.

Goddess Healing assisting you throughout the year

Do you find there are some times of the year that are particularly challenging for you? Do you feel an imbalance during the darkness of winter, the heat of the summer, the times when the year moves into new phases or the changes in the moon? I was intuitively guided to create Goddess Healing through the Year to assist clients with these changes. Based on the seasonal wheel there are 8 energy changes throughout the year and these have specific energies which affect us in different ways. Connecting with the energy of the earth, the Goddess who links with the specific time and the specific crow, tree and crystal energies I will channel this beautiful, high vibrational healing to you. Working with the Goddess and Morgan sisters energies of Earth, Air, Fire, and water as well as Maiden, Mother, Lover, Crone this is a truly amazing and transformational course of treatments. Individual sessions can be taken although maximum benefit is obtained by completing the cycle.

I also offer wheel of the year workshops if you wish to work deeper and explore this further.

Your Investment is £75.00 per 1½ hour session and healing sessions can be taken at any time although ideally at the corresponding time. 

Samhain 31st October

Working with the energy of the Crone and Mazoe at this time of year when the veils are thin, the Dark Wise Mother invites us into her dark cauldron of transformation and wisdom. Helping us to return to the dark womb and look inwards as we prepare for the new year by releasing the old, facing our shadows, allowing the new visions and dreams in and incubating our ideas as we move forward with purpose.

Yule 21st December

Working with the energy of Mother of Air and Tyronoe the energy of this time of year is the stillness. Often we are rushing around as we prepare for celebrations and family gatherings and we struggle to find the stillness within. A treatment with the Goddess of this time will blow away the cobwebs in our minds and allow us to touch the silence and stillness to find what lies within visiting the place of our dreams.

Imbolc 1st February

Working with the energy of Bridie the Great Healer and Thitis this is the time of the Maiden energy. The light is returning after the darkness of winter and it is a time for us to manifest our ideas to bring our dreams into reality. The Maidens healing energy invites us to be our true authentic selves and to release our outdated ways of thinking.

Ostara 20th March

Working with the energy of Mother of Fire and Cliton at the time of the Equinox this is a time of balance. The Goddess brings a balance of our inner worlds and our outer action as we awaken to and explore all possibilities. The Fire energy brings purpose into our lives as we manifest and take action on our ideas and dreams that we have incubated during the winter.

Beltane 1st May

Working with the Lover Energy of Rhiannon and Thetis they invite us to heal our relationships with ourselves and others. To look into the mirror of our soul and to feel their love vibration. To heal our emotional wounding of previous relationships, grief and sorrow and to open our hearts to Love and compassion both for ourselves and others. A beautiful and deep healing for the emotions opening you to love.

Lithia 21st June

Working with Gliten and the energy of the Ladies of sacred springs and wells as they help us to heal. Taking us deep into the dark waters of our emotions and fears they assist us with finding the pearls of wisdom our innermost feelings and bringing them to the surface to heal. Tears are their expression within our bodies, releasing and healing.

Lughnasa 1st August

Working with the energy of The Great Grain Mother and Glitonea. They bring the energy of mothering, abundance and nurturing. Healing our Mother wounds and opening our hearts to forgiveness. Allowing us to be receptive to nurturing both for ourselves and others and bringing abundance in all areas of our lives.

Mabon 22nd September

Working with the energy of Mother of Earth and Moronoe at the time of the Autumn Equinox. Their energy allows us to feel our connection to the Earth and bring balance and wholeness to our lives and bodies, especially useful after the summer holidays. They assist us with recognising our achievements with gratitude and allow us to feel rooted and provide us with inner strength as the summer comes to an end and we enter the inner time of Winter. A time for releasing what no longer serves us.
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